Among Piers

The boardwalks above are often bustling colourful affairs, as quintessential to the image of the great British summer holiday as ice cream and fish suppers.

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On The Trail

It is said to be the most challenging trail in the British Isles, but probably also the most rewarding as it leads the walker through the most remote and dramatic places of Scotland.

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I grew up in a village in the flatlands. The ancient lands of the village tangled around the church with its tall thirteenth-century spire, its mottled colours of pale, fragile limestone.

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Locked in the confinements of my own space, in a time so unordinary, I attempt to turn my head from the inescapable pandemic. On every newspaper, television and radio station I cannot emerge.

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The Broken Land

Taken on a camera damaged in a fall from a mountain ridge, the resulting photographs depict a world out of focus, peaks looming menacingly above the viewer.

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The Walk

I was struck by the overwhelming stillness, the roads and sky seemingly devoid of traffic, the local playground not just empty, but closed; everyone seemingly holed up within the comfort and safety of their own walls.

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Land Covered in Trees

My home locallity based off-shore in NW Scotland allows me to wander from my doorstep into both natural and manmade woodlands and forestry. Trees that cloak the lower slopes of mountains rising from the sea.

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Long Exposure is an extremely fascinating genre of photography which can transform a mundane every day scene into something completely different.

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Chris Killip Box Set

October 14 2020. Yesterday came the terrible news that Chris Killip has died. One of the finest makers of the most honest photographs, always so helpful, supportive and very kind.

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mono no aware

Less concerned with a concrete depiction of reality, but more so with an emotional and poetic interpretation of the world surrounding him, as well as an exploration of the artistic possibilities oh his photographic medium.

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Depicted in deep reds, these landscapes are vibrant, alive and bring the tragedy of the Highland Clearances into focus.

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Dusk PressEuan RossAlex Boyd
Cold & Industrial

After the opening song Paul Weller made a comment, ‘you northeners are cold & Industrial’. It’s still not clear to me 40 years on just what he actually meant, but it’s something that has stuck with me ever since.

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Fifteen Views

In 1810 botanist, Sir James Edward Smith, published an account of his tour of the Hafod estate entitled: Fifteen views illustrative of a tour to Hadfod in Cardiganshire’.

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Landscape Beyond

Studying what he considers to be the essential attributes of a successful landscape photograph: simplicity, ambiguity and beauty.

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“Go to the village hidden deep in the snow where I lived a long time ago.” And so with camera in hand she set off on a restorative pilgrimage to northeast Japan.

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Suicide Machine

After looking at my passport the desk attendant asked, "Bridgend, isn't that where all the suicides are?" It then dawned on me that the town where I was born, grew up in and still live, was now infamous, nationally.

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The Silence of Dogs in Cars

Once left in a car, for a short while as a young kid, Martin remembers the feeling that no-one might come back. Around about the same time he identified and fell in love with dogs - they were also silent, just as he felt in the car.

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