Posts in Another Place Press

I returned here, to a small bridge across the river, more than I did to any other place, taking pictures of the river against the moor and a wild patch of forest in the distance.

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As We Wander

The solidity of my surroundings and my own fluidity. I am a visitor for an all too brief time. I will end. You will end. The landscape will remain.

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The route takes in a variety of landscapes from rural suburbia, through the Mersey Tunnel and in to the city centre. Observing the passing scenes through condensation covered windows has been an inspiration.

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Uncovering Shibuya

These views represent a moment in its evolution, scenes have transformed in a few years, but even for the structures that survive through time unchanged, people’s perception of them will be different.

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On The Trail

It is said to be the most challenging trail in the British Isles, but probably also the most rewarding as it leads the walker through the most remote and dramatic places of Scotland.

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Suicide Machine

After looking at my passport the desk attendant asked, "Bridgend, isn't that where all the suicides are?" It then dawned on me that the town where I was born, grew up in and still live, was now infamous, nationally.

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Inner Sound

The timeless, deep pull of the ocean is strong; nature is powerful, it will prevail. Dark tides swell and rise, awaiting those who ignore warning signs. Endure and pray not to go under – hope for a lull and weather the storm.

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Taking root in the central belt, it runs northwards through Perthshire and into the Cairngorms, winding between mountains along the same route taken by centuries-old military roads.

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