Dolomiti Dreamscapes

I wanted it to be more unique and personal than a collection of more traditional/classic landscape images. Through a process of experimentation and creative-play I started to find an aesthetic path that felt right.

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The route takes in a variety of landscapes from rural suburbia, through the Mersey Tunnel and in to the city centre. Observing the passing scenes through condensation covered windows has been an inspiration.

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The series identifies a landscape where nature finds shelter and protection from its own elemental chaos by exploring the natural spirituality of the place, which is largely unaffected by the modern world.

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In dense fog, my walking companions often bemoan the lack of a view. I, however, treasure the rare moments when the onslaught on my senses is highly reduced.

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I wanted to explore this ubiquitous element of the British landscape. It’s almost impossible even in an urban area to not see a tree within your field of vision.

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March Days

The Sands of Forvie, Aberdeenshire are the fifth largest sand dune system in Britain, and the least disturbed by human activity.

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Uninhabitable Volume 2

Uninhabitable is a series of zines whch focus on the Anthropocene and the uncertainty of climiate change through the use of camera-less photographic processes which I have created as part of my final major project at college.

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There is another world, an otherworld where, but for blood’s cadent hum, silence suffocates and a grey brume clings, shroud heavy, to everything.

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