Moscow December 1982

It was a surreal journey; the cold war had become distinctly colder with US president Reagan talking about “the evil empire” and a dying Andropov convinced that a nuclear strike was coming.

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The Japan Series

Gefeller takes at least two shots of utility poles vertically from below. In the subsequent digital composite the poles disappear, and the innumerable cables and transformers are converted into an abstract composition against a monochrome background.

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Celestial Realm

Mist-shrouded, granite peaks emerging from an ever-changing veil of clouds, sculptural craggy rocks on lofty cliffs, and weathered, oddly-shaped pine trees, depicted in all seasons and at various times of day.

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The Fisher King

I am walking the margins of the village, up the earthen lane and across the fields which are normally dense with mud and the clotted footmarks of animals.

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The Isolation Project

As a spontaneous reaction to their circumstances, for four days the MAP6 photographers documented their time in Finland during the start of the COVID crisis.

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Broken Spirits

He observes these objects with the precision of a natural scientist, bonding together things never before united and thus inventing stories we have never heard them tell before.

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The photography he brings from this location is intimate and classic in equal measure, displaying a personality only achievable through such familiarity.

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Let’s imagine a snow crystal, one of those wonderful structures that arise in some cloud or other at a temperature below the freezing point.

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1Point4 Miles

I have become fascinated by the forms and shapes of certain elements and the thoughts and emotions that they inspire within me. It is my personal response to the way I see my environment.

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Birds' eggs are true wonders of the natural world: they are strong enough to protect the embryo as it develops, yet sufficiently fragile to allow the chick to hatch.

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