Troubled Land

At the heart of the Irish conflict lays the land — who owns it, who controls it, whose history it expresses.

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I returned here, to a small bridge across the river, more than I did to any other place, taking pictures of the river against the moor and a wild patch of forest in the distance.

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Four Winters

As the dark of the dusk gradually gathered I sat on a log to sift through the thoughts and emotions of the day. Gradually I became absorbed in what was in front of me.

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A poetic look at this river around which all those who have been able to approach it, and take the time to observe it, have developed a strong, intimate and visceral bond.

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The Shadow's Veil

A collection of observations about the unfolding of days, made either in the hours before sunrise or very early in the day when the light is new, shadows are long, and hope is eternal.

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The amount of water on our planet has remained more or less consistent since the Earth was created some 4.6 billion years ago. Only very small amounts of water have been added by meteorites that have collided with Earth.

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Winds of Change

Winds of Change reflects on a difficult and uncertain time in Britain’s history and my own personal fears and anxiety about not only Britain’s future, but the future of the world and its effects on those close to me.

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A series of suspended parentheses with the living, the manifestation of waking dreams before the magic of nature, all captured through his profound sensitivity.

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Voice of the Eyes

A collection of interviews with exceptional landscape photographers collected and edited by René Algesheimer. These photographers have mastered their craft like no other and have helped shape the entire discipline.

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Locked Down

Portraying something of the curiosity and wonder at the shapes, strong lighting and contrast I felt at seeing these otherwise unnoticued details.

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Big Water

The Eastern Shore would show up like a mirage on the north horizon line across the Chesapeake Bay, some days it was visible, others it was gone.

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