Notre-Dame de Paris



“From the moment I entered its dark, sacred precincts, I was in love with Notre-Dame de Paris (Our Lady of Paris). I walked around wide-eyed, awestruck by the grandeur of its architecture and esthetics. I inhaled the atmosphere, the faint smell of incense, the whisperings from the crowds of other people also experiencing these wonders in their own particular ways. I lit candles and sat in front of the altar praying quietly, relishing the tranquility and meditative ambience. I listened to the choir as it practiced for Vespers. This was in 1972, on my first visit to Paris… 

My affection for Notre-Dame has only increased over the years. Now, when arriving in Paris, often early in the morning and jet-lagged, I greatly enjoy a ritual walk along the Seine to the Île de la Cité and Notre-Dame, where I can spend some solitary time. Of course, I am never alone. Notre-Dame is an extremely important religious, national and cultural monument, with over twelve million visitors annually. Fortunately, it is always possible to find a quiet pew and reconnect with this alluring space. Notre-Dame continues to capture and inspire my imagination.

On Monday, April 15, 2019, along with countless other people throughout the world, I was shocked and saddened to see the media coverage of Notre-Dame burning. It seemed unimaginable that this architectural wonder, filled with over eight centuries of history, memories and mystique could be destroyed in a few hours. Yet, this devastating fire was happening before our eyes. In the days after the fire, I looked through my archive of negatives for some personal homage to this most beloved place that has given me so much. The fourteen photographs in this book, many of which I have just printed for the first time, were made over a period of forty years on my various wanderings through Paris.

Please get well soon Notre-Dame. We miss you. I miss you.”

Notre-Dame de Paris
Nazraeli Press
Edition Size
153mm x 210mm