Jason Langer

In this episode of Biblioscapes In Discussion, I am joined by Jason Langer to discuss his work and his book Berlin.


In 2008, a friend suggested I photograph Berlin. He thought the city would be a good match for my sensibilities, but I met his suggestion with trepidation and fear. I harbored many preconceived ideas about Germans and Germany. I imagined Berlin as a vast, cold, unfriendly, gritty place, but at the same time, it seemed exciting and sexy somehow.

I decided to see Berlin for myself, keen to challenge my existing ideas and also uncover reminders of the Jewish people who had lived there, until they fled or were hunted down and killed by the Nazis. I would spend the next five years reconciling my feelings and associations with Germany and the German people and writing a new narrative.


We also discussed a selection of recent books added to Jason’s own bookshelf…

  • Another Online Pervert by Brea Souders

  • Mike Tyson 1981-1991 by Lori Grinker

  • New York PARADISE LOST Bushwick Era Disco by Meryl Meister

You can see more of Jason’s work on his website and find him on Instagram. Berlin is available via Jason’s website and many photobook shops.

Euan Ross