The Scottish Highlands



The photos in this book are part of a several-year long and still ongoing endeavour to portray the raw beauty of the hills of the Scottish Highlands. Unlike many who undertake such projects, I haven't focused on a single defined geographical area, though the majority of my photographic forays have taken me to the Western and North-Western Highlands. From the vast but also familiar landscapes of Rannoch Moor and Glen Coe, to the relentlessly steep slopes of the hills in Kintail and the rugged and shapely mountain massifs of Torridon and Wester Ross, I have spent many hours in the hills, with specific destinations often primarily being determined by where the weather forecast looked most favourable.

As a keen hiker, it was only natural that most of my work has been done from elevated positions while walking in the hills and mountains. I have often been camping on summits, whatever the season, which is not only therapeutic but also made it possible to wait for the right conditions, which would have been a lot more problematic if I had only been out for a day. Following such a slower approach enabled a stronger connection with the landscape and the flora and fauna inhabiting the remote upland areas.

With this project I hope to aid with a greater appreciation of the unrivalled grandeur of the hills of the Scottish highlands, and the need to protect them from the many anthropogenic threats they are faced with. At the same time I hope to motivate photographers to explore the places beyond the locations so familiar to many of us, and be spellbound by the lesser frequented but equally diverse and staggeringly beautiful landscapes in the remoter parts of the Highlands.

The Scottish Highlands
Kozu Books
Edition Size
200mm x 150mm