Sandra Bartocha

In this episode of Biblioscapes in Discussion, I am joined by Sandra Bartocha to talk about her work and her book Rhythm of Nature.


She takes the viewer on an emotional and atmospheric journey through the seasons in her home state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Quiet lakes, wide fields and meadows, old forests, the sea - subjects that inspire the artist and which she is able to transform into timelessly beautiful photographs. Far from mere documentation, she knows how to draw the viewer into the rhythm of nature with her photographic perspective, to let them become part of the change of seasons, of the growing and decay. Her images celebrate the fleetingness of the moment, the greatness hidden in the small, the beauty of the subtle.


We also discussed a selection of Sandra’s favourite books from her own collection…

  • Chased by the Light… Jim Brandenburg

  • I Have Seen… Jan-Peter Lahall

  • Au Fil Des Songes… Vincent Munier

  • Gardening at Night… Cig Harvey

  • Small Things In Silence… Yamamoto Masao

You can see more of Sandra’s work on website and find her on Instagram.

Euan Ross