Angelika Schneider and Eddie Ephraums

In this episode of Biblioscapes In Discussion I am joined by Angelika Schneider and Eddie Ephraums to talk about Angelika’s book, The Beauty of the Camino.


We also discussed a selection of both Angelika’s and Eddie’s favourite books from their own bookcase…


  • Hans-Guenther Kaufmann/Odilo Lechner… Der Weg der grossen Sehnsucht

  • Don McCullin… Irreconcilable Truths

  • Michael Levin… Zebrato

  • Paul Sanders… Solace


  • Jungjin Lee… Unamed Road

  • John Loengard… Image and Imagination: Georgia O'keeffe

  • GF Smith Paper Collection

  • The next book

You can see more of Angelika’s work on her website and Eddie’s work at Envisage Books.

Euan Ross